10 Likely Dangerous Food Treats You May Be Giving Your Dog

10 Likely Dangerous Food Treats You May Be Giving Your Dog

Some Human Foods Are Just NOT for Dogs

We develop such strong connections with our pets that they become part of the family. We talk to them, dress them up for holidays, and even share our food with them. While sharing seems loving, feeding your dog from your plate is not healthy. Some of our favorite treats are outright dangerous to dogs.

So what is on the forbidden list?

The list of forbidden treats includes chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, and yeast dough. Dangerous food treats you may be giving your dog also include common foods that seem harmless. Prime examples include nuts, ice cream, avocado, and table scraps.

The Animal Poison and Control Center receives 17,453 dog emergencies from the consumption of human food yearly. Knowing what's healthy will help you keep your pet safe. It may not be easy cutting them off, but it's for their excellence.

This article explains in detail why each of the listed foods is off-limits.

1. Chocolate

In case you didn't know, chocolate is made from cocoa. The cocoa bean contains a bitter alkaloid known as theobromine. In humans, this compound is mainly beneficial. Unfortunately, dogs are unable to metabolite it effectively.

As a result, the compound levels build, resulting in toxicity. These symptoms typically show within 6-12 hours of consumption.  The level of toxicity depends on the type and amount of chocolate intake. In most cases, the dog only experiences mild symptoms such as stomach upset and diarrhea. In large quantities, chocolate can be deadly. It may cause issues such as heart attack, internal bleeding, and tremors. Take your dog for emergency care if you suspect chocolate toxicity.

2. Alcohol

You may be wondering who gives their dog alcohol. Sadly, some irresponsible people do. But even if you don't, you are not exactly innocent. In most cases, dogs consume alcohol when you leave cans and glasses in places dogs can reach.

What hurts dogs is the ethanol present in alcohol.  The dog's body absorbs ethanol a lot faster than we humans do. The consequences include nerve damage and respiratory problems. Other symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and sometimes death. The smaller the dog, the riskier it becomes.

3. Ice Cream

Not many people can turn down ice cream, especially on a hot summer day. While it's tempting to share this cold treat with your pup, offer them water instead. Ice cream contains dairy products and a lot of sugar.

The first issue is lactose intolerance. It can trigger allergies and cause digestive problems like diarrhea. In addition to lactose, the high sugar content can be dangerous. Over time, your pup will develop weight problems. This results in weight-related health problems and a shorter lifespan.

4. Caffeine   

Most people need their daily dose of caffeine to kick start their day. Some may even call it a caffeine addiction. However, many cups you take a day, never pass this problem to your dog. All popular beverages like tea, coffee, energy drinks, and soft drinks contain caffeine. 

In humans, caffeine helps you stay alert and may sometimes make you irritable. But in dogs, caffeine can cause severe damage. The effect can range from restlessness to heart palpitations. Other effects include rapid breathing and tremors.

5. Gum and Candy

We all learn at a very young age that candy and gum are bad for us. The main reason is usually the effect on your teeth. For dogs, the risks are more than just dental. Gum and candy use artificial sweeteners to make them tasty. 

Artificial sweeteners are usually extracted from xylitol. Xylitol causes a sudden surge in insulin levels in dogs. The result is a dramatic drop in blood sugar levels. This opens the door for other health complications, including liver failure. The early signs of xylitol ingestion include diarrhea, seizures, and vomiting.

6. Grapes and Resin

Researchers are still unclear why grapes and resin harm dogs. However, there is no doubt these seemingly harmless fruits are silent killers. The levels of toxicity are even higher than chocolate. That means there is no margin for error with these two. 

If left untreated, grapes and resin can lead to kidney failure in dogs. Get immediate medical assistance if you suspect your dog has ingested grapes.

7. Onion and Garlic

Onions and garlic are some of the most popular spices. They are present in sauces, our favorite dishes, and in kitchen cabinets across the globe. And although garlic and onion have health benefits to us, they kill the dog's red blood cells.

Over time, the dog will develop anemia.  So keep an eye on your dog when eating something spicy—the symptoms to look for include pale gums, weakness, and breathlessness. Keep raw, powdered, cooked, and dehydrated onion and garlic away from your pet.

8. Avocado

Avocados are known for their high fiber content and healthy fats. These are some of the reasons nutritionists call it a superfood. Despite their nutritional benefits, avocados are a big no for dogs. This is because they contain a fungicidal toxin known as persin.  The toxin is harmless to humans unless you are allergic to it. Unfortunately, dogs are not so lucky. Consumption of persin can lead to vomiting and diarrhea. So keep the avocado seeds, leaves, and fruit away from your pet.

9. Yeast Dough

Yeast dough is an essential ingredient when making bread. Those who make their bread or pizza deal with yeast dough regularly. If you know a thing or two about baking, you know the dough is often left to rise. If you are not careful, your dog can steal a bite.  

Ingesting yeast dough is quite dangerous for dogs.  The main danger is that the yeast will keep rising even after ingestion. In the process, the stomach of the poor dog can get stretched beyond its limits. In extreme cases, the stomach or intestines can rapture.  

10. Macadamia Nuts

Nut makes for a very dense snack due to its high-calorie content. However, not all nuts are safe for dogs. Macadamia nuts, for instance, contain toxins that can harm your dog.  Experts warn that a few nuts are enough to cause negative results.

Fortunately, the adverse effects are pretty mild in most cases. Your dog might exhibit weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea. Mild symptoms are manageable at home with guidance from a vet. But severe cases require emergency medical intervention.

Say No to Dangerous Treats and Yes to Natural Treats!

Hopefully, this article helps you to know what foods are off-limits for dogs. It is okay to eat some food with your furry companion. Just make sure it is safe for them first.  The good news is that there are wholesome dog food and treats you can get instead. Consider Nature Gnaws 100% natural dog treats such as small beef bully sticks, large beef bully sticks, jerky chews, pig ears, tripe twists, and more. All our dog chews are cleaned with water and carefully inspected and packaged here in the USA. When you shop natural dog treats at Nature Gnaws you can be sure you are feeding your pup 100% natural treats with no chemicals, added preservatives, or artificial ingredients. 

 This article was made pawssible by Esther Rebecca.

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