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Dental Care for Dogs: Tips and Tricks

Dental Care for Dogs: Tips and Tricks

Dental Care for Dogs: Tips and Tricks

Recent studies have shown that approximately four out of five dogs that are over the age of three have dental problems. In fact, not only is periodontal disease the most common health condition affecting adult dogs, but it is also completely avoidable.

Gum disease in dogs can lead to recessed gums, bone loss, missing teeth, and chronic pain, which is certainly not what we want for our four-legged companions. In addition, it may cause them to be at higher risk for diabetes, and heart, kidney, or liver disease.

Yet, the basic tactic for the prevention of gum disease is simply cleaning your dog’s teeth, because when their tooth surfaces are clean, their gums stay healthy. Actually, just a few simple steps can help keep your dog’s teeth and gums in excellent health and keep bad breath away too.

• Brush Daily – Invest in a special toothbrush and paste designed for dogs. The head is properly angled and sized just for your pooch and typically has a longer handle to protect your hand. Since dogs can’t spit out excess paste, never use human toothpaste, which is not safe for swallowing. Best of all, doggie toothpaste comes in great canine flavors they’ll love.

• Visit the Vet – Once or twice a year it’s important to take your dog for an oral health examination, and if necessary, a professional scaling can be performed to remove any accumulations.

• Provide a Good, Natural Chew – Chewing every day is considered ideal. A chew can help scour away plaque and dirt, helping to reduce unwanted buildup.

Of course, just like children, your dog may not initially enjoy the idea of toothbrushing, but it will become an activity that your furry kid will get used to doing each day. It’s often easier to begin when they’re puppies, but a little patience with an older dog can go a long way. Practicing these hygiene steps could take some effort, but they may save costly and perhaps painful vet visits in the future.

Fortunately, dogs love to chew, so although chewing won’t replace brushing, it can help a great deal. Remember to choose only the best quality, natural chew to keep your furry friend from damaging or fracturing teeth, or from being exposed to harmful chemicals or additives.

At Nature Gnaws, our chews are made from 100% grass-fed, free-range, all-natural beef, completely free of hormone injections or genetic modification, and with no added flavors or preservatives – because nothing is too good for our dogs. For more information, please visit today.

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