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Traveling Safely with Your Dog in the Car

Traveling Safely with Your Dog in the Car

Traveling Safely with Your Dog in the Car

In the U.S., there are over 43 million households with pets. Yet research shows that 84% of dog owners don’t restrain their pets while traveling in the car with them, or they simply separate them using insubstantial netting. If there is an accident, human occupants may be protected by safety features such as airbags and seat belts, but an unrestrained dog becomes a dangerous projectile flying around the car, risking injury and death to both people and themselves.

There are many other reasons for properly securing a dog in the car including:

  • Driving with an unsecured pet, or even worse with the dog on the driver’s lap, can easily be a distraction for the driver. In fact, in certain states it is now illegal to do this, and some states are considering laws that would require pets to wear seatbelts. Properly securing a dog can significantly aid in ensuring that the driver will not only be less distracted.
  • If an accident should happen, an unrestrained dog can run out into traffic or obstruct rescue personnel who may be trying to assist.
  • Dogs can also injure themselves trying to jump out of open windows while the car is moving.

Traveling safely and responsibly in the car with your dog is not just about decreasing the risk of injury to your dog, but also about the safety of human passengers, and other drivers on the road too. By following some simple guidelines, it’s easy to make everyone’s journey as safe as possible.

Dogs under 26 pounds should have a harness attached to a seat belt. Larger ones should be within a secure travel cage or crate, as they can smash into the front seat even when they’ve been belted in with a harness. The crate should be secured to keep it from becoming a projectile, and positioned as close to the center of the car as possible. Doing so gives the dog both a safe and cozy way to travel.

Additionally, check your airbags. Some older cars may not have them, but newer ones do. Some can’t be turned off, though others have switches, or are automatically turned off when there’s no weight on the seat. Small dogs are generally safer from the risks posed to them by airbags if they are secured in the middle of the back seat.

So if you love your dog, secure him. Whether it’s just a quick run or a road trip, help keep everyone safe. At Nature Gnaws we love our dogs too, and believe that our pets deserve the best. Our chews are made from 100% grass-fed, free-range, all-natural beef, completely free of hormone injections or genetic modification, and with no added flavors or preservatives –  because we think that nothing’s too good for our dogs.

For more information, please visit today.

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